terça-feira, março 16, 2004

Eu primeiro alerto — e não me desculpo, note bem — para o inglês péssimo que utilizarei. Diria aquele meu lindo amigo franco-brasileiro: sou uma ágrafa. Em segundo, please, don't translate for my mom.

My mom will pass for a surgery next thuersday. It'll not be simple 'cause she's diabetic. I'm really stressed, I'm tired, I'm almost out of order. She's like a child, she reads when it's forbidden, she goes to PC when the Doc said the oposite.

This week I made for the first time the control of her blood. Simple, a needle in the finger, a blood drop and put that on machine. "Verify the levels of sugar". But that was very hard for me. That fucking simple process left me down! And now she'll pass for a surgery...



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